Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This, my friends...

Is what we call,
a fail pizza.

Idol Night (American Idol) has now become Betsy and my beloved Idol and bacon pizza night. We asked Meredith if she wanted any, and because she wanted pepperoni, we decided to try something. We asked them if they could make the whole pizza bacon with two slices of pepperoni, and to our suprise they said yes! Everyone would be oh so happy with our delightful pizza perfection. No only that, but for some reason, we got a $5 coupon off the price. We got the pizza ran upstairs to eat it, and low and behold, 2 pieces of bacon, and freakin' whole pepperoini pizza... FAIL PIZZA. It's ok though, we still had fun making fun of people and enjoying some awesome vocals.


1 comment:

StephanieB said...

What would have really been an awesome fail pizza would have been if you open the box to find several strips of bacon with tiny little pepperoni pizzas on them. Not too filling though...

I love you and your blog!